Friday, July 24, 2009


Figure 1: Lyne's claim to have attended U.T. School of Law (Click to Enlarge)Figure 1: Lyne's claim to have attended U.T. School of Law (Click to Enlarge)

Figure 2: U.T. School of Law's reply to me, saying they have no information on Lyne (Click to Enlarge)

Figure 2: U.T. School of Law's reply to me, saying they have no information on Lyne (Click to Enlarge)

After some good old research, I have been able to easily refute one of William R. Lyne's most frequent claims, namely, that he was a student at the University of Texas School of Law (U.T. School of Law). Figure 1 is a screenshot of one of the many posts in which Lyne makes this claim.

All one need do to figure out the truth, is email the U.T. School of Law and ask them whether they have any records on William R. Lyne.

Sure enough, I received a reply saying:

"Hi, Dimitrije, we have no information on anyone by that name."

As proof of this, Figure 2 is a screenshot of the email I sent to U.T., and the reply I received.

I can already imagine what Lyne is going to say upon hearing what I have against him, "the government made sure everything pertaining to me was taken out of their files." Yeah, okay Lyne; more of your fantasies...

Conclusively, this, by far, is some of the most powerful ammunition we have against him. I am in the process of looking into some of his other claims, so I'm sure pretty soon we'll have more confirmation that this man has a lying disease.